Sunday, May 1, 2011

Over the hills and into the big city

Heading away from the desert that is the Peruvian coastline, we were
excited to get back to the mountains. Back to the cool crisp air and
the greenery. We were even excited to see the snow!! (i know after the
winter that Canada has just experienced, you are probably more than
willing to send some of the white stuff our way) But never the less we
were excited.
We climbed slowly up the irrigated valleys as the hills got steeper
and steeper and the villages got smaller and smaller. We crawled
slowly over the 4200 meter pass as it was nearing dark and cloudy and
rainy so we chose to pull off the road and spend the night rather than
pushing through to Huaraz, a city nestled in the valley.
In the morning we awoke to a beautiful sunrise illuminating the
massive peaks of the Cordillera Blanca, the second highest mountain
range in the world after the Himalayas! It was the perfect treat after
a long tiring drive the day before. We spent the morning gazing out
across the valley and feeling a little bit at home.

A small house on the road up

The view we woke up to in the morning... Could be worse

The road into the Huaraz valley and the Blanca range in the back

Our campsite for the night. Perfect

Hillside... farms?

To keep the tar warm for working on the road they carried it around in wheelbarrow fires.

Heading back down to sea level

We got into Lima to spend a few days. I saw this amazing van on a run around the Miraflores area. The perfect hippy bus.

Watching the paragliders off the cliffs of Lima

Checking out the skaters in the park

Looking out over the Lima water front. I never thought spending a few days in a city of over 10 million people would be so pleasant!

I also would really like to send out a huge thank you to everyone who has donated. It has seriously kept us going with our van which keeps throwing us curve balls but never the less keeps on trucking. We really, really appreciate every penny that allows us to continue living our dream!

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